Monday, July 07, 2008

on blog marketing

In about two months from now, this blog will turn one year old! I am so excited as this blog has given me lots of opportunities, financially and socially speaking. I have met a lot of online friends through this blog, friends not only here in the Philippines, but also from around the globe. This has also given me a lot of financial opportunities and to those who have been in this blogging business, you know what I mean :)

Anyway, as my anniversary mark nears, I realized that I want to improve my site in terms of traffic and blog marketing. To be able to do so, I need to have interesting topics to write about to attract more readers. If you are a fellow blogger, you will know how hard it is sometimes to update your blog as there are times when you have nothing interesting to write about. Good thing there is IZEA, who is on the constant look-out for network growth. By being a member, one has the opportunity to have more topics to write about and enjoy Social Media Marketing Services from blog posts, blog sponsorships and even product sampling. Not only IZEA is good for bloggers but also if you are an advertiser, you surely will benefit from them in terms of building buzz, generating traffic and maximizing social media exposure. So, be a member now and learn more about this wonderful features that IZEA has to offer.

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